Strengthen and Coordination Exercises

With so much focus on building running endurance, we usually forget that in order to have an efficient running form we must have strong hamstrings and buttocks. The proper activation of these two group of muscles allow an efficient and stable stride and is important that we add a series of strengthening exercises to our weekly routine.

Hip Strengthening – Myrtl Routine

The routine is designed to maximize flexibility in the hip girdle area. Your hip plays a key role through your stride and having the proper strength and flexibility will help you increase your running efficiency.

You can download the routine from: MYRTL_ROUTINE

You can also see a video on the routine at: Coach Jay: Myrtl Routine

Harmstring Strengthening

In addition to your hips it is important to strengthen your hips. The most basic exercise to achieve this is call bridging. You can find details at Bridging Demonstration for Improving Running Technique


Running Drills

Another series of exercises that should be added to your weekly routing are those focusing on different phases of your stride.

Some of these exercises are: high knees, quick feet, lunges, single leg squats, goose steps, skipping,etc.

You can find a good video describing each of these at Running Drills to improve form and speed