Milestone Training Plan

Weeks to go: 20

You are in the most important part of the program: Base Building.  By following up the weekly runs at CP, you will be developing your muscles and cardiovascular system.  It is extremely important that you have patience on this part of the training. Your cardiovascular system will adapt faster than your muscles, you will feel better and more energetic within a couple of weeks. Your muscles, on the other hand, will take longer to adapt.  Do not increase mileage beyond what we have in the program, as doing so will increase your risk of injury.  You will see the Advanced Training group running much more mileage, but keep in mind, that group started 4 weeks earlier and its members were already running 30 miles per week when the program started.

You have 20 weeks to go!! Run at conversation pace (CP) and chat with other runners, enjoy the social aspect of CRC runs!!

Advanced Marathon Training Plan

Weeks to go: 20

This week we introduce Fartlek on Tuesday workout as we progress on our speed work ramp-up. As the training plan indicates, do a 15-minute warmup at CP and then start the interval run. The speed section of a Fartlek should not be an all-out effort, but have a goal of reaching your 2K to 5K race pace. Depending how you feel, during the slow minute adjust your speed staying between conversation and marathon pace.

As a reminder, the program you are following does not shift from one focus to the next one, but instead is a buildup. Provided you have time, do some running form exercises before doing Fartlek, as this will allow you to keep strengthening the muscles that give you stability.

Have a great week!!!

Your coaches