Advanced Marathon Training Plan

Weeks to go: 21

We keep focusing on building our base (see below stability exercises that are great to complement this part of the program!). For those of you that are just starting the program, “CP” means conversation pace. It is critical that you build endurance first without risking injuries, we are 22 weeks from BCS marathon, so we are not in a hurry for speed.

If you have already been doing speedwork, try to focus on it from a “variety & fun” point if view. Also remember, Houston heat will take a toll on your recovery. Contrary to what people believe, speed work has a higher risk of creating a heat stroke than a 2 hour long run at CP.

On our Tuesday workout, we keep working on Strides and Form Drills. The two of them go well together, as form will typically improve with speed (heel striking is less prevalent when trying to run fast).
You should plan for the following:

  • Do 45 minutes of CP.  Use this opportunity to count your cadence.  Count the strides are you taking in 10 seconds and then multiply by 6
  • Next, look for a 100 meters / yard straight path or track and perform a set of running drills (next 4 steps).
  • Run the full length of the 100 meters, increasing speed progressively.
  • You should reach your top speed the last third of the length
  • As you increase speed focus on your form ( arms position, looking ahead instead of down, mid to front foot stride, cadence)
  • Do another drill and repeat


As you do your easy runs and long runs, does your cadence increase? This will usually require shortening your stride, try to experiment early on during the season so you get your new running form ready for the marathon.


You can find a number of good drills in the following youtube video:


Stability exercises:

Having a proper running form requires strengthening the muscles that provide stability during your run.
Look that the following video where Sally McRae (Ultramarathon runner) introduces
the Single-Leg Squat ‘n’ Reach Exercise
You can find another series of excellent exercises to do on your easy running days at Myrtl Routine


Milestone Training Plan

Not Started

Just because the plan has not started does not mean that you cannot run with us!!!!
Join us for Tuesday workout at the Track.  Andy and Teresa will keep you busy!!!

If you cannot join us at the track, then try to run twice a week 30-45 min CP!! and try to work on your stability muscles, this will get you ready for a more efficient running season:

Look that the following video where Sally McRae (Ultramarathon runner) introduces the Single-Leg Squat ‘n’ Reach Exercise
You can find another series of excellent exercises to do on your easy running days at Myrtl Routine

Have a great week!!!

Your coaches